So a GoFundMe page was established to try and get the man, named Daniel, a T Line buss pass and possibly a bicycle. Any additional money would be used as a tip for all the happiness he brings with his broad smile and cheery demeanor.
Members of the Texarkana News and ArkLaTex News teams encountered Daniel today in front of Guaranty Bond Bank, and he was as energetic as ever. If we had not just eaten, we would have all gone to the restaurant he was advertising - Bayou Ben's.
As of right now, the goal of $700 has been reached, but it would be nice to offer Daniel a nice, large tip or maybe a quality bicycle with the extra money. We all give tips at restaurants every day, and it seems fitting that someone working so hard in often inclement weather should be rewarded with a tip, too.
If you want to chip in, you can donate below.